- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for March 2015 « page 2
RT @SarahEMoffitt: @billmckibbenI wanted to share new research: Climate change commits marine ecosystem to >1,000 yrs of recovery: http://t…
@TamaraHala or this cld be useful worksound.com
@TamaraHala hopefully you caught my sarcasm. 🙂
RT @mattmday: After a story is published, a minimum wage worker loses her job wapo.st/1NzdSsS
@TamaraHala protip: condense meaningful life moments into shorter easier to write about experiences
@joshtrujillo @ashleykgross I think they boil it alive in Olympia
RT @IceProjectShack: Antarctica Recorded Its Hottest Temperature Ever This Week thkpr.gs/3640232 via @climateprogress Could you imagi…
RT @the_intercept: Two years into Peña Nieto’s presidency, 10 reporters have been assassinated in Mexico, and 4 have disappeared. http://t.…
RT @tutsplus: New from @reifman and the Programming With Yii2 series: Integrating User Registration ow.ly/KRjRt