- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Recent tweets « page 26
RT @Mlsif: First Post: Facebooknet, is up civichall.org/civicist/faceb…
#Internetorg #mozilla #Bernie2016 #Hillary2016 #GE2015 #civictech
RT @streetyoga: Street Yoga’s founder Mark Lilly was featured on the Trauma Therapist Podcast with the The West Coast Trauma… http://t.co…
RT @heidigroover: Bruce Harrell and Nick Licata were not having it at yesterday’s SPD May Day briefing. (by @Ansel) thestranger.com/blogs/slog/201…
RT @pmocek: Council Leader (@bruceharrell of @SeattleCouncil) Knocks May 1 Police Tactics crosscut.com/2015/05/counci… #MayDaySea
RT @jeffjarvis: Thank you, Ed Snowden:
NSA phone records program illegal, court rules
RT @froomkin: Appellate Court Rules NSA’s Bulk Collection of Phone Records Is Illegal interc.pt/1F7Dr3U by @froomkin
Okay now the Chief’s comment is very disappointing. Cc: @Ansel @dominicholden … Until this Id been supportive twitter.com/seattlepd/stat…
@ttorres funnier response wld have been, so I know you? Are we Facebook friends?
@ttorres people are still on Facebook?
My ex-housemate thought she could build an impromptu aromatherapy device by dropping potpourri down air vents. pic.twitter.com/OP1ehjKyZq