- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for April 2015 « page 8
Jeb Bush’s rapid paleo-ish diet nytimes.com/2015/04/25/us/… vs. mine jeffreifman.com/2015/03/21/hac…. He’s always hungry. I rarely was.
RT @TutsPlusCode: CloudBerry Explorer: Fast, Effective File Manager for Amazon S3 and the Cloud code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/clou… via @reifman
RT @jontalton: From Bezos’ paper > Microsoft ad paints a terrifying future where employees are working literally 24 hours a day http://t.co…
RT @dabeard: The upside of cowardice. pri.org/stories/2015-0… @BU_Tweets @clark_boyd pic.twitter.com/xEfX6OkT9b
RT @pmocek: @reifman I’m concerned about federal and “regional” (?) involvement in a local matter. #opcrosstowntraffic
RT @ggreenwald: Journalism at your service, Mr. Obama! NYT style pic.twitter.com/ctKaPIS56W
RT @EricNewton1: Five-foundation-funded contest produces interesting group of winners… twitter.com/ONA/status/591…
@tommcfarlin @mattmedeiros and completely reasonable
@tommcfarlin @mattmedeiros interesting