- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for February 2015 « page 22
@pollyplummer @grist @Telegraph your position might be stronger if i wasn’t in verge of canceling my 2nd snowboarding trip this “winter”
@pollyplummer friend @grist said @Telegraph is right wing rag on climate
RT @Sightline: “[WA] state has spent 70% of its contribution & the tunnel is only 10% built.” #Bertha fw.to/i7dx20d via @globeandm…
“@onthemedia: As went leisure time, so went Radio Shack.
wsj.com/articles/radio…” @doctorow
RT @toddbishop: My new favorite Seattle email digest: Sol’s Civic Minute by @solv17. us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8ca022f61ed… Subscribe: http://t.co/EopmAKbl…
@toddbishop @solv17 agreed
RT @jayrosen_nyu: I do have this prediction. Between now and Thursday’s scheduled appearance with Letterman, journalism is going to happen …
RT @ozchrisrock: BREAKING NEWS: Brian Williams fired from NBC news. He becomes the first person ever to be punished for lying about Iraq.
@HotSohaAli @tarah because there are no gravy vittles. Duh
@tarah found these two – help free them pic.twitter.com/seQD933adf