- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for January 2015 « page 33
@jseattle any fox anchors listed for crimes against humanity?
RT @jseattle: TV RT @DavidRoseQ13FOX: Need reward money to pay holiday bills? Click through these photos and see if you know any of these s…
RT @seattledot: SR 99 NB is closed at the Battery St tunnel due to a collision. All lanes are blocked, use alternate routes http://t.co/9Ke…
Super useful plugin for #2fa: Using Google Two-Factor Authentication With #WordPress code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/usin…
Agree: “@cdixon: “Apple has lost the functional high ground” (sadly, this is true) marco.org/2015/01/04/app… pic.twitter.com/u1AeKKFk1C” @tim_cook
@steffenbilde cool thanks Steffen – similar take – a bit different approach, let me know if they want to get in touch with me
RT @EEEBallard: We are serving a disproportionate number of nonfat lattes today #NewYearsResolution
RT @cruickshank: Sound Transit has shown it can successfully build tunnels in Seattle. Bertha failure won’t undermine ability to build Ball…
RT @MarshallProj: In at least 70 police departments around the country, the arrest rate for blacks was 10 times that of non-blacks. http://…