- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for January 2015 « page 32
RT @mathewi: The most amazing thing about @YAppelbaum joining The Atlantic as politics editor is that he started as a commenter: http://t.c…
RT @bethjusino: Want an agent? Ready to self publish? Not sure? Don’t miss my 3/7 Guide to Getting Published class depts.washington.edu/asuwxpcl/cours… …
@webbmedia have you checked out Black Mirror on Netflix yet? esp. episode 3. pretty solid dystopian tech / cultural critique
RT @phillipadsmith: Morning espresso read: Thom Yorke made as much as $20M from his BitTorrent experiment bit.ly/1AAROZP
RT @doctorow: Of the top-paid CEOs in the US, 29% got paid more than their companies paid in income tax. WTF?!! kottke.org/15/01/ceos-are…
RT @aclu_mo: BREAKING @aclu_mo sues McCulloch on behalf of #Ferguson Grand Juror to challenge lifetime gag bit.ly/1vT2I6P http://t.…
@moniguzman @ignitesea @berkun @zacharycohn @bryanzug @carlyslater @jmartenstein @stewtopia soon u may need key arena or resurrect kingdome
RT @lookaheadio: Managed #WordPress Host WPEngine now offers 60 day free trial. link.lookahead.io/wpengine #OpenSource #php #blogging
RT @TutsPlusCode: Building Your Startup With PHP: Getting Started code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/buil… via @reifman
RT @dabeard: #NASA craft approaches Pluto after 9-year journey. Do we still care? pri.org/stories/2015-0… @PRI @scifri pic.twitter.com/LnlkhBPCed