- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for January 2015 « page 26
RT @tarah: Just got asked to provide some specific examples of hostility women face when trying to get tech jobs. I’m so tired. So very tir…
RT @afertig: If we fail to mourn Baga we paint a deeply inaccurate picture of terrorism. theconversation.com/media-coverage… Great piece by @EthanZ @US_…
RT @jontalton: Is the Seattle area changing for the better — or worse? Chat begins at noon: blogs.seattletimes.com/today/2015/01/… via @seattletimes
RT @ericacbarnett: Seattle’s left-coast formula: A tradition of radicalism meets a city becoming “richer, younger, denser, faster.” http://…
RT @streetyoga: SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE for our March 2015 Seattle Training (streetyoga.org/seattle-wa-mar…)… fb.me/6pIT9JMKP
RT @tommcfarlin: i’m starting a short, simple series explaining the basics of branching and merging (based in git) tommcfarlin.com/a-guide-to-bra…
RT @streetyoga: Street Yoga is Audioasis on KEXP’s Community Partner for January 2015! Proceeds from Columbia City Theater… http://t.co/…
@50Dates_States @eliseblaha you two are disgusting 🙂
RT @MarshallProj: Gun deaths are poised to surpass automobile deaths in the U.S. this year. theatln.tc/1BdprRW pic.twitter.com/Oath3480Oc