- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for January 2015 « page 20
@toddbishop @geekwire @johnhcook popcorn by drone! Patent that !
“@HistoricalPics: Padlock and Key, Germany, 1580’s pic.twitter.com/FtFLPTbW00” cc: @doctorow
RT @jayrosen_nyu: Only bot I follow and, man, is it good. @NYTAnon.
RT @Neil_Paine: Incredible. pic.twitter.com/53El5oXADY
RT @CruzanChoklate: RT @PRYMETYMEJ3: RT @ChrisDaniels5: That’s what happens when you leave a game early…. #GBvsSEA pic.twitter.com/53QlHZ4AQe
RT @johnpboyle: In the craziest game I’ve ever seen, a QB who threw 4 interceptions threw the game-winner to a receiver who tipped two of h…
RT @ReillyRick: I’ve been watching NFL football for 50 years and that might be the most preposterous comeback I’ve ever witnessed. #Seahawks
RT @breakingseanews: #Seahawks fans are bummed they left too early and can’t get back in! @KREM2 #kremseahawks pic.twitter.com/Y10C1BTM0c http:…
Building Your Startup With #PHP is picking up speed: Feature Requirements and Database Design code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/buil… #yii #yii2
Paris. Boko Haram. Radical Islam. Awesome episode of @onthemedia onthemedia.org/story/on-the-m…. Beware Black Mirror spoilers. Et Tu @OTMBrooke?