- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for January 2015 « page 15
Everyone should RT this – Ocean temperature rise has spiked and #climatechange is real: grist.org/news/this-char… pic.twitter.com/SQ69CH48b6
RT @billkeller2014: The life and laments of a parole officer. ‘I Spend Just as Much Time Protecting Felons from Society.’ https://t.co/PA6X…
RT @Oceana: .@grist: This chart of rising #ocean temperatures is terrifying. ow.ly/HPSCe
RT @tutsplus: Installing and using PHPMyAdmin with WordPress, by @reifman enva.to/14n2XAH
RT @fakedansavage: The whole blogger-flogging, gay-beheading, women-oppressing Saudi royal family can drop the fuck dead as far as I’m conc…
@chcktylr Sigh
RT @TutsPlusCode: Build Your Own T-Shirt Shop With the Spreadshirt #WordPress Plugin code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/buil… via @reifman
RT @webbmedia: Fantastic/ terrifying story from @eringriffith. >80 startups with $1bn valuations. fortune.com/2015/01/22/the…
RT @Globe_Pics: Prague at dusk pic.twitter.com/M1xK4g6EXE
@clairlemon @dancow @ElissaBeth yes to this piece! Thx @elissabeth. My experience may interest you as well: link.lookahead.io/rage