- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for December 2014 « page 5
RT @pressfreedom: At least 60 journalists were killed globally in 2014 in relation to their work. cpj.org/reports/2014/1… http://t.co/JtlDs…
RT @JoeMoreno: Over The Past 150 Years, There Has Been A Profound Shift In What Humans Do With Their Time. businessinsider.com/how-humans-spe…
RT @kellan: Heard a story today about an all women team having to hire male contractor to interface with IT dept due to sexism. Terrible an…
RT @nxthompson: Wow. Median household net worth
Whites $142k
Hispanics $14k
Blacks $11k
(Via @conradhackett) pic.twitter.com/t7XokeBNdb
.@7im well played #oregon: “@conradhackett: Each state in one word, courtesy of Google autocomplete pic.twitter.com/9YY0L27iW4”
RT @tarah: “When we talk about the need for diversity in tech, we’re not doing it because we like quota systems.” zeldman.com/2014/12/28/une…
RT @nxthompson: Ouch. “Unexamined privilege is real source of cruelty in Facebook’s ‘your year in review.” ow.ly/GwdmR
Awesome: “@twinkelnews: Edith Macefield’s Holdout #Seattle #Ballard – 99percentinvisible.org/episode/holdou…” cc: @lisahymas pic.twitter.com/CPDG24PS9R
RT @maureenoco: The tigers of Minnesota Tinder: dead buck and dead fish #HomeForTheHolidays pic.twitter.com/NoAhUB5IRC
Better than Slate piece: “@webbmedia: This is spectacular >> Why Airlines Want to Make You Suffer nzzl.me/1zYWl71” cc: @dangillmor