- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for October 2014 « page 7
RT @csoghoian: One thing that the FBI fake tech support team have over Comcast is that they show up promptly.
RT @dangillmor: My latest at @slate @FutureTenseNow asks what can do to rein in arrogant telecom carriers. slate.com/blogs/future_t…
RT @candacefaber: Want to meet? Chat? Get help with writing or communications? Sign up for my office hours on 11/4, 2-4 pm @hubsea http://t…
RT @SpyTalker: Holder on Risen: ‘No reporter is going to jail as long as I am attorney general.’ politico.com/blogs/under-th… via @POLITICO
RT @HistoricalPics: Illegal alcohol being poured out during Prohibition, Detroit, 1929 pic.twitter.com/DN2HHlG55k
@doctorow not bad but I thought cat tumbleweeds had promise 🙂 youtube.com/watch?v=FseJpm…
What Dave said – Wow: “@dabeard: Wow, indeed. The airline that is making flights to Europe for $99 washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog… @robferdman”
RT @slashdot: Is the Outrage Over the FBI’s Seattle Times Tactics a Knee-Jerk Reaction? bit.ly/1vhgVKM
Interesting banner ad on @geekwire layoffs story. Maybe they meant fired? Cc: @toddbishop pic.twitter.com/p0sYfdVFbj