- Jeff Reifman
- @reifman
- @newscloud
- Jeff Reifman
- Seattle, Wa.
- jeffreifman.com
- lookahead.io
Tweet Archive for May 2015 « page 37
RT @OTMBrooke: Interviewed two cagey clones on Duplicast, a crazy addictive Orphan Black podcast. I’m on Mon, but listen now: http://t.co/i…
@chcktylr @ashannstew @cmsalerno repeal all tax breaks and let the kids fight out what to restore
RT @ashannstew: WA supreme court will wait until special session adjourns before deciding on sanctions: bit.ly/1EBNNWl (by @cmsaler…
RT @jseattle: Tipster pic shows load of plywood has arrived outside Starbucks roastery #seamayday pic.twitter.com/JFpsWjFhqS
@tommcfarlin another good example of how WordPress coders always push tech like Twitter to its limit
Starbucks may be closed but worker owned #fairtrade #cooperatives @EEEBallard @EqExCoop keeps on going. twitter.com/eeeballard/sta…
RT @replyall: Did you all know that @gimletmedia’s third show was announced yesterday! Well it was, and it’s gonna be awesome. http://t.co/…
@onthemedia @OTMBrooke awaiting OTM’s Mad House of Clones and Thrones podcast
Just donated to @berniesanders for President. berniesanders.com #Bernie2016
RT @ezraklein: Hillary Clinton’s top donors are banks.
Bernie Sanders’ top donors are unions.
bit.ly/1IvkHe9 http://t.co/PW1uQc…